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Myopia Control Could Save Your Child From a Heavy Prescription

As kids get older, myopia or nearsightedness tends to get worse. Even if your child only needs a little bit of correction today, without intervention, they’ll most likely need a lot of correction by the time they reach adulthood.


Myopia control uses a variety of treatments to mitigate the progression of myopia. Most of these treatments are designed to help relieve eye strain, which may contribute to myopia advancement. While it does not cure myopia or prevent progression completely, it may slow the process down by as much as 50%.


Visions of Washington is happy to improve your child’s future through myopia control. Request an appointment to find out how myopia control could help your child.

Why Does Myopia Get Worse as Kids Get Older?

Myopia stems from the shape of the eye. When the eyeball is too long or the curvature of the cornea is too steep, it causes light to focus at a point just in front of the retina, rather than directly on the retina.


As your child grows, their eyes grow with them. As their eyes get progressively longer, the light focuses at a point further and further in front of their retina.

Methods of Myopia Control

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